location and CONTACT
My practice is located at Unit 7, 316 Onslow Road, Shenton Park WA and you can contact me directly with queries via:
Email: Averbuj@iinet.net.au
Phone: 0402 054 166 (call or text)
My fee is $265.00 per 50 minute session.
If you have a Mental Health Care Plan and a referral from your GP (or a referral direct from a Psychiatrist), then you can receive an $137.05 rebate on 10 sessions in a calendar year.
Private health rebates are also available from private insurers that cover Clinical Psychology - the amount will depend on your provider and level of coverage (please contact them directly to find out your eligibility).
In order to confirm a booking for any session times we discuss, you’ll need to fill out this intake form and return it to me via email or MMS the week prior to our first session.
Importantly, please remember that for psychoanalytic therapy to be effective, sessions are at least once a week and this should be budgeted for (similarly to any other bills). Over a year, we would have approximately 44 weekly sessions (includes weeks off for breaks) and that represents an investment of approximately $8,000 (including Medicare rebates). This means that engaging in this type of therapy might not be viable for you. It might also be thought of as a small price to pay for the shifts you’ll experience in your mood, relationships, motivation levels or productivity.
For many people starting therapy, weekly sessions can seem difficult to fit into their work schedule or budget. I understand this and I have also experienced the challenges of putting self-development first having chosen to prioritise it while studying fulltime, studying and working, and, then working fulltime. With empathy, I often ask my patients about the dedication to their mental health or self-development and if they are genuinely ready to start this journey. Sometimes life will present challenges to the process (internal and external) and it’s important that regular sessions are attended for therapy to be effective.
If you have alternating work shifts or work FIFO, it might be possible to arrange a rotating schedule with me, so please enquire to find out if we can make that arrangement.
Payment is made before or at our sessions via direct transfer, Credit Card details you’ve provided me on the intake form, or Cash.
OPTION OF therapy twice a week
Therapy twice a week is another mode for psychoanalytic therapy for those you want a more intensive approach. If I have the availability, this can be arranged. The main benefit of this type of intensive psychoanalysis is that more in-depth work becomes possible as issues and patterns are uncovered, and, working on these things are continuously present in a person’s mind.
Cancelling (or not attending) sessions
Unlike other practices I’m aware of, I offer a mutual cancellation policy: we work together and I respect your time as well. You have set aside 50 minutes of your week for me, as I have for you.
This means that I will give you at least 2 weeks’ notice if I’m going to be away, or, a session needs to be rescheduled.
If I do need to cancel or reschedule a session with shorter notice (extremely rare), then I will only charge half my fee or bulk bill the following session.
In return, this means that any cancellations you make within 48 hours of a session will incur the full session fee. Exceptions are made for serious illness (e.g. COVID-19 or hospitalisation). This is not a penalty, it is simply the fee for your weekly timeslot, which cannot be booked by others. Of course, if I am able to fit someone else into your timeslot on that short notice, or if we are able to successfully reschedule that week, I won’t charge a fee.
Consent and ethical considerations
Before our first session I’ll email you a standard intake form to fill out (saves us using the session time) which also provides information about your consent to undertake therapy and gives you information about my ethical/legal requirements as a Psychologist. If at any point during our work together you want to ask about this (or anything else), I encourage you to do so. If you’d like to know the exact details of the Code of Ethics that I (and all Psychologists) work under, please feel free to look over it here.